About Zero Waste Solutions

Zero Waste Solutions

Executive Summary

ZWS is an innovative and proven concept that takes waste management, environmental improvement and societal impact to a whole new level while building a highly profitable business with attractive returns and short payback times.
In addition, ZWS offers a strong case for creating a better and more environmentally responsible society with benefits ranging from reduced waste outlets into groundwater, soil and air to increased employment and reduction of harmful industrial processes and reduce CO2 emissions.

Waste management in developing markets has mainly centered on burning or burying (B&B), neither of which are good for the environment. In contrast to this harmful approach, ZWS has developed a cyclical economic technology and process that turns waste into 100% recyclable materials of industrial strength that can be used to make everything from pallets to construction casting molds, wood-plastic, outdoor tiles and manhole covers.

Concretely, a ZWS plant will follow a patented and proprietary high pressure molding process whereby the ZWS plant:

1. receives the waste,

2. stores it in containers,

3. shreds the waste,

4. extrusion of the shredded waste,

5. molding the shredded waste into

6. industrial products under high pressure.

The facts behind the ZWS output material and underlying business case makes it a highly attractive investment supported by the following key metrics (for a standard 280T per day ZWS plant):

  • Output material: The material is almost 2X stronger, and more flexible than similar construction products, and at a competitive cost.
  • Business case:

ZWS will partner with a local entrepreneur who will have to provide either an investment of 7M Euros, per plant of 720 tons per day into the 30/70 partnership’s joined company or make a BOOT agreement with the Government for at least 2 Bill Euros provided the Government is requesting a not cashed backed SBLC from a commercial bank guaranteed by the Government.

In addition to building a highly attractive business for the owners, ZWS also takes responsibility for creating a better society and environment beyond “just waste management”. ZWS commits to working with local waste communities and authorities to:

  • Employment: Creating new jobs through improved waste collection processes which will benefits local waste communities.
  • Reducing waste: Through shifting from B&B to high pressure molding of shredded waste environment will improve, e.g. less industrial dumping, improved groundwater and soil quality, less emission of toxic gasses from burning waste.
  • Cyclical economy boost: Beyond reducing the impact areas like water, soil and air quality, using the output material to replace high energy materials such as construction material which creates a massive upstream environmental and economic impact on the society.

Getting started with ZWS follows a structured, proven and pre-programmed 8-step process which is fully described in the ZWS playbook and will be supported and guided from start-to-finish by the co-investing global project team. In short, the key steps for the participating owners guided by the ZWS playbook are as follows:

  1. Identify the preferred location and infrastructure of the ZWS plant
  2. Set up collaborative agreements with local waste community on waste collection and processing 
  3. Present case to preferred local financial institution and use this to should be set up SBLC 
  4. Kick off project and request required investments from the CAT fund through the local SBLC
  5. Implement project in year 1 and run as operational plant from year 2 following above business case
  6. Govern project as BOOT (build own operate transfer) for 15 years until fully transferred from joint team of global and local project owners to local project owners.